Find your binge. Binge your find.

Sleepers Galore! A List Full of Surprises


When I started going through this list, I was surprised how many of these shows were still new to me. Way to put me in my place, Buzzfeed! Check your Binge IQ against these 27 shows on your way to your next new find.

Time to Start Planning Some Musical Happy Hours?


Maybe we’re all just jonesing for live music, or maybe musicians are just jonesing to play. But these turn-ons keep coming my way, so I’ll keep sending them yours. What can I say… it’s a musical week! But with all this great stuff playing right around happy hour time, maybe it’s time to start building some socially distanced cocktail hours around all the good vibes:)

A Great Way to Support Musicians That’s (pretty much) Normal!


Thanks to WWOZ in New Orleans, here’s a chance to get a good musical thrill from some of your favorite musicians playing live from down home, and then throw a little scratch in their virtual tips jars. It may be remote, but it’s a sho nuff real connection where everyone wins. Check out the line-up and go on a good new-fashioned link crawl today!

Hamilton to Hit Disney+ a Year Early?!


You read that right! The film of the original Broadway production – starring Lin Manuel Miranda himself – has been bumped WAAAAY up in the schedule and will now debut in time for the 4th of July! We’re still six weeks out on that, but good news can never come too early these days.

Mind Warpers: The Binge That Keeps on Bending


Sometimes is nice to keep puzzling and puzzing over the last thing you watched before launching right into the next thing that’s out there. Enter Bustle, and their list of such twisters for your brain. Could be great fodder for a Netflix Party…. Just sayn:)

Dear Class of 2020: A Virtual Graduation Event


The pandemic has obviously been hard for many folks on many fronts. For graduating seniors, it’s brought its own set of disappointments. That’s why streams like this are so important. We’re putting this one out there early – the live event isn’t until June 6th – just so parents and their seniors can be aware and start to weave this into their plans. Spread the word!

Get to Work! (Somebody Else’s Work, We Mean)


This is a fun one. A good read, sprinkled with a few links. So if you like your binge with a side of thoughtful commentary, dig right in. Makes me realize… I’ve got to finally get my Brooklyn Nine-Nine on….

It’s a (Netflix) Popularity Contest!


While nobody’s gathering around the ol’ water cooler these days, it is always nice to know what other folks are watching. So, without further adieu, here is HuffPo’s nice little list of the 10 most popular shows on Netflix – with trailers! Drumroll, maestro….

Pin of the Week: Lincoln Center at Home


Amazing, world-class and… wait for it… FREE! It’s hard to overstate how amazing this offering from Lincoln Center in NYC truly is. There is a daily calendar and an on-demand list of amazing concerts, workshops, full opera and ballet performances and more. AND a nice little widget that lets you add alerts right to your calendar. Thank you, Lincoln Center!

You Say Headphones, I Say Bedphones!


Do you occasionally (as in almost nightly) binge shows in bed? And do you normally (as in sinfully) listen to shows through your computer speakers? Keeping with the idea that more than half of what you see is what you hear, we’ve hunted down a reco for you! Yes, they’re wired. No, they aren’t noise-cancelling. But they’re only $99 – and their little brother model is only $79! – and these babies are revered for rivaling $300 headphones for sound. And they’re so good looking, you can just keep them on your nightstand permanently. Maybe it’s time to change your bed-watching ways!

At Bingelandia, the Music Never Stops!


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… music is a key to keeping us connected. So check out NPRs fine, fine list of upcoming concert streams. Bookmark it. Bookmark us. Set some notifications on your phone. Feel all the goodness you can hear:)

Netflix: Some Hot News and Some Season 2’s


Have ya noticed that Netflix is on a roll? This slideshow from Refinery29 INCLUDES TRAILER! for 10 great shows to start up right away. Plenty of international flair here, with The Eddy set in Paris, 18 Regali in Italy and Restaurants on the Edge offering gorgeous views from around the world.